DG Echo #ClimateConnect campaign goes live
DG ECHO #ClimateConnect campaign goes live
After the Civil Protection and #SaferTogether campaigns happening during the past two years, mc Group is collaborating again with the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), this time joining the more and more intense fight against climate change. The #ClimateConnect campaign is now live for a period of two months.
The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness about the climate change topic and the role of the EU in providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief to countries hit by the numerous natural hazards of the past years. The EU is in fact one of the largest humanitarian aid donors in the world, thanks to its 1.7 billion euros allocated specifically to humanitarian aid actions aimed at also counteracting the effects of climate change. The campaign also aims at engaging the target audience in 10 European countries and at connecting young Europeans with young counterparts in areas of the world more subjective to natural disasters.

The communication strategy will consist in the involvement of schools and universities, creation of partnerships with cultural festivals, the setup of a paid media campaign (online and OOH), and collaboration with influencers and KOLs in climate change and humanitarian crisis thematic. Make sure to share how climate change has impacted your life with Karen. Chat now.
Make sure to also check the Instagram Live session that took place on May 7th, 2022 with Anja Pirjevec, an EU expert on environment and greening of humanitarian aid, who addressed the topics directly from Kenya.
Click here to learn more about the campaign and join #ClimateConnect.