mc Albania (IMMAV) was established in 1995. Since its foundation, the agency has been especially prominent in the social sector, implementing integrated communication campaigns against violence, the negative consequences of smoking and an AIDS awareness campaign.In cooperation with the German Embassy and the OECD, the agency undertook an advertising campaign to inform the country’s electorate about the benefits of family voting during the general elections in Albania in 2005. Through years, the agency has worked with institutional partners such as the European Commission, the European Council, various Embassies and others.

Facts & figures

Managing Director: Edmond Topi
Members of staff: 19
Annual turnover: EUR 1.3 million
Billings: EUR 8.7 million

Key areas of Expertise

Integrated Communications, TV Production, Advertising, Public Relations, Media Planning.

Key references

  • European Commission
  • European Council
  • German Embassy
  • OECD